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Dance Acro Classes
This 45-minute acro class focuses on the skills needed specifically for dancers! Students will move through weekly drill circuits that include spotted stations that are aimed at building strength and awareness, creating successful shapes, building power, and perfecting form.
Student to instructor ratio is always 9:1 or less.
Dance Acro Class Levels
Beginner -
Intermediate -
Advanced -
Working on Handstands, Cartwheels, Kick-Overs, Bridges, Backbends, and other unique skills for dance.
Pre-Requisite: Must have solid Cartwheel, Handstand, and can do a Kick-over from a Bridge on own. Working on Kip ups, Valdez, Chest Stand, Handstand Walking, Walkovers, Switch Leg Walkovers, Chest Rolls, Bridge Walks, and other unique skills for dance.
Pre-Requisites: Has a Walkovers and Round Off. Working on Back Handsprings, Layout Step Outs, Aerials, and other unique skills for dance.
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